Generative AI Workshops & Events

ITS/TTC Generative AI Workshop Series

Register for a Generative AI workshop!

ITS Teaching & Learning offers a workshop series to integrate Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) into academic practices in response to the evolving education technology landscape. The series aims to equip our academic community with the requisite skills for leveraging GenAI in teaching and learning, as well as professional and personal productivity.

New! Generative AI Mini-Workshop Series

ITS is thrilled to announce the launch of a GenAI Mini-Workshop Series designed to offer a rich, engaging experience in just 45 minutes per session. With an expanded range of topics, these ten workshops are tailored to meet the varied interests and needs of instructors, staff, and students. Learn more about the workshop topics and levels.

Most workshop content is similar to the previous full-length GenAI workshops, but topics have been condensed and redesigned to cater to different audiences. To view workshop descriptions of the entire series, visit the Generative AI Mini-Workshop Series Overview Document.

Workshop topics 1-9 will be offered twice a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 12:00 pm, allowing participants the flexibility to complete the entire series over nine weeks with their choice of one 45-minute workshop per week. Topics 1-9 will be offered between February 25 - April 24. Topic 10 (Customize the U-M Student Experience with MiMaizey and the GoBlue App) is the only topic that is entirely new and will be offered weekly on various dates.

Participants can earn new GenAI badges for participating in the series. Badges allow participants to indicate their GenAI proficiency and can be showcased on platforms such as LinkedIn.

Register for a workshop Watch a Workshop Sign up for workshop announcements

Beginner/Core Mini Workshops

Intermediate/Advanced Mini Workshops

For additional teaching-related workshops offered on at U-M, visit the Teaching and Technology Collaborative site or the training page of Academic Technology@Michigan.

Getting Started with Generative Artificial Intelligence: U-M Instructor Guide

Explore U-M's instructor guide packed with GenAI resources and actionable steps for your course!